Sunday, December 30, 2012

This weeks quick challenge - create a Character

I will be reviewing some of the submissions for last weeks writing challenge and I will add them as I get time. I promise to do my best. 

This weeks writing test is to create a character. 

Yes fun stuff right?

Well not for all of us. sometimes coming up with that unique character seems real hard work. So here is a great chance for you to get practising. 

Create your character using the following info. 

  • Give it a name
  • Age, Gender, location, race (breed even), nationality
  • what they look like, brown hair, eyes, skin color, slim, athletic, average, etc
  • create a brief background - job, where they grew up, nationality, culture, roots, religion, 
  • family - siblings, parents, grandparents, are they close to them?
  • Do they have pets? Are they modern, traditional, contemporary?
  • Create a drama, something that has brought them to where they are now
  • And possibly, google a picture, find something that may be similar to this character or draw your own
So get going, your character profile doesn't have to be in-depth  it can be very brief, enough to give us an idea of who she, he or it is. 

send in your submissions if you like or share it by blogging in your own blog and send us your links. 
or you can find and comment us on facebook or twitter. 

ok enjoy and get cracking.. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Todays Tip : Speaking the writing

hmm yes, ok not great grammar, but reading out loud what you have written will help you fix those pesky little grammar corrections we all hate as writers and it will also make your tedious task of editing so much easier.

It will also show you whether the flow of your story is easy to follow or does it get interrupted with needless over intellectual words that appear in your immense vocabulary??

Reading it out loud will show you exactly where that comma and those quotes need to be. Because in the end you, want your writing to be followed and understood like your reader is watching a movie or living the story itself, you do not want your writing to have hiccups and hang ups due to poor word choice or grammar.

Tip when reading your work out loud: 

  • Read it over to yourself several times, and when you find a problem, fix it and go back to the beginning and re-read it out loud. 
  • Read to a friend - sometimes getting another persons opinion is better than just sitting on your own. You can see if they are confused about something, or if there is something not well explained. Don't forget as a writer we normally know the surrounding and back ground story, the reader doesn't.
  • Use a Thesaurus - If there is a word your really really really want in your story but it doesn't go with the flow of your story, then try a thesaurus. I obviously do not need to explain the potential goodness of a good thesaurus.
  • Ask friends to read your story, but more importantly ask them to tell you a brief summary of your story. See if they got the full picture of what your story is about or did only certain scenes stick in their minds. 
Well good luck and as always let me know if you wrote something. I'd love to read it and promote it. Feel free to share any of your pieces whether it be published or not. 

Stay sweet. 

dont forget you can find me on : 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Writers Challenge - 200 words - the #secret

Ok so here we go lets start a little writing challenge to get those little grey cells fired up.

So This Weeks writing challenge is a 200 words story.

you have until 23rd of December to submit your stories . I will post videos for voting, so you can vote on your stories. I will link all stories to your profile, website or whatever you wish. Good luck.

Must haves: 

  • 200 words or less - no more than 200. 
  • must have a conflict or challenge
  • must have more than two characters
  • must have a secret!!!
I will tweet and post your story here with a linky link and your name. 
To submit your story simply comment below or send it in to me my facebook or twitter. 

ok enjoy and get cracking.. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

don't you love being hung up on

I like you better on the phone
oh yes, today is one of those days. I must have woken up this morning with a big ass sticker on my forehead saying "please hang up on me, cause I enjoy it as much as I love being covered in chocolate".

Well technically I have never been covered in chocolate, so I would not have the slightest clue what that would feel like or whether I'd enjoy it, but I do love chocolate and I hate being cold but love being all snugly and cosy so I assume it would be nice. Except for the stickiness which would probably feel like some massive herd of creatures jizzed all over me. But other than that I'm sure it would be nice.

Anyway back to the real reason of this post and its being hung up on.

Now don't get me wrong, I have rang the wrong number before and I have made mistakes on the phone and I have even made a fool of myself and wanted nothing better to do than to run to my cave and hide and never answer another phone call ever again for my entire existence.

One fond memory is me being absurdly embarrassed by a radio station call and when it was my time for the lime light and I was on air and the host asked me what song I wanted, I froze and wanted to die on national radio. but I didn't (obviously, since I am typing this and not some metaphysical spirit lurking about blogger) , and I still didn't hang up.

So I am pretty understanding of  hanging uperers predicaments, but still I never hung up on people. I would like profusely apologize and try and come up with some wild story how it all happen because I never admit that I'm just an idiot and made a mistake.

So I just can not understand why people just hang up on you for whatever reason. And with today's technology, "I CAN RING YOU BACK CAUSE 90% OF THE TIME YOUR NUMBER IS NOT PRIVATE DUMB DUMBS". So why do it at all, why not do something crazy instead and repay me for wasting my time for answering your phone call with a joke.

I don't know something like the following perhaps:

"Oops sorry I rang the wrong number, but to make it up to you here is a joke 
A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking a round with a flyswatter.
"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Hunting flies," He responded.

"Oh, killing any?" She asked.

"Yep, three males, two females," he replied.

Intrigued, she asked, How can you tell?

He responded, "Three were on a beer can, two were on the phone. .. Have a nice day"

anyway lets hope I don't get hung up again cause I promise I will ring you back and tell you phone jokes for the rest of the day. I have unlimited credit peeps!!!!

This is Caroline signing out. enjoy your day ... 

Ps dont forget you can follow me on Twitter @cordiervoodoo and facebook to get updates of new posts and play some fun games with moi.